Q: Why are the Democratic candidates for President not campaigning in Michigan and Florida this year?
A: The Democratic National Committee decided that no state other than Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada could hold its primary prior to February 5. Michigan and Florida, however, scheduled primaries for January 15 and January 29, respectively, leading the DNC to strip them of their delegates. [Source]

Q: The Republican candidates are campaigning in Michigan and Florida. Are the rules different for them?
A: The Republican National Committee decided on the same rule as the DNC, but it has allowed Michigan and Florida to keep half their delegates, so the Republican candidates are campaigning there. [Source]

Q: Why is the general election held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November?
A: Harvest time is over by November, and winter has not yet arrived, meaning that this was considered the easiest time for voters to travel long ago. Because of the time required for farmers to travel to polling locations back then, Tuesday was chosen so that everyone could get to the polling location by Tuesday after attending church services on Sunday. “The Tuesday after the first Monday” prevents Election Day from falling on November 1, which is All Saints Day. [Source]

Q: What happens in the event that no candidate wins a majority in the Electoral College?
A: According to Article 12 of the Constitution, the House of Representatives will elect the President. [Source]

Q: How important is the New Hampshire primary?
A: Between 1952 and 1988, no candidate was elected president without winning the New Hampshire primary. [Source]